Tuesday 27 April 2010

Content, Product and Context

Breaking down briefs is a skill in itself. We had a days workshop looking into how a brief is constructed and how such factors like content, product and context affect what you produce. Below are several design sheets where we had too write down the different aspects of design we wish to do as a designer - where out interests lye and why. For example: I want to do Screen printing because I feel more experience with different media can be essential.

Later in the workshop we had to discuss and make a list of 10 factors which would make the best brief. We were given 8 and told to think of 2 more to put on our blogs.

1. Clear content
2. Enjoyable
3. Defined audience
4. Specific outcomes
5. Appropriate tone of voice
6. Scope for development
7. Clear deadlines
8. Realistic expectations
9. A good relationship with your client
10. Good communication with all involved

1 comment:

  1. OUGD203 Feedback. Behold.

    Your recording and documentation for this module has been of a high standard, I found your blog easy to navigate and comprehensive in it's content. It's clear how you came to your conclusions on the collaborative brief because you've analyzed everything you've uploaded.

    There were few negative issues with your blog in all, one of the only issues was that maybe your research was a bit limited in terms of diversity, though the research you carried out was relevant to your work, it might've benefitted from going a bit leftfield and just finding maybe examples of work not related to the brief that you liked.

    All in all though, a good example of how to go about recording and documenting your work, well done.
