Monday 6 December 2010

I Am President (Album Artwork) Mock-ups

Here is a post to show a few mock-up album covers i have produced. Mock-ups are a very useful way to find floors in the design. When i produced these mock-ups i found a few problems with legiability on the reverse side of the albums. However i will look at these examples below in terms of aesthetics and sellability.

Below: The 2nd mock-up using vintage imagery. The client gave me some feedback a few weeks ago where they liked this approach to the artwork - however this was before they saw the range which i have now produced. The design below shows problems with legiability and format which will be addressed.

Below: A 3rd mock-up that uses some imagery from the photoshoot i did earlier in the module. I like this design - however i feel it doesn't perform any differently from other albums. I like the colour pallet and type layout - however this mock-up has shown me some areas of questionable legiability and format.

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