Wednesday 15 December 2010

OUGD301 Final Evaluation

Finally the end of OUGD301 and oh what i have learnt. Looking back at this module im proud of myself for what i have produced. I feel i have really developed as a designer and finally made a transition to be a branding specialist. I have produced work which i am now finally proud to put it a portfolio.

As for the briefs which i produced, i again feel i have done a good job in most areas. I don't think that i explored designing across all medias to its full potential. In most of my briefs i found myself designing more for print than digital form. In several briefs where i wanted to design a website i found myself leaving it till most minute and sometimes never at all. This is disapointing but i feel its more a problem with time management and motivation.

In the early stages of OUGD301 i found myself lacking in motivation, and i feel this really did affect my body of work in a big way. Towards the latter part of the module, i once again found myself gaining with confidence and becoming a more organised, direct designer. I produced the best of this modules work in the last 3 weeks of the enter module. From this i have learnt if i manage my time more affectively and produce a schedule, like i did for the last 2 weeks of the module, I will become a more managed designer.
I encountered several problems over the duration of this module. From loosing work, to relying upon none existant print slots, i once again learnt never to trust technology and to always have a backup of work on a hard-drive.

Once again refering back to my final resolutions i feel the work i produced was to a high standrad and each piece was professionally finished. I am pleased with the body of work i produced for each brief however as mentioned before i do feel i could have produced a lot more. Rite the way through the design process i was always thinking about printing and what stock to use stock. I feel i have definatley made a transition from second too third year very well, and i can see this from my work and how i organise myself, my work and my time.

This first module of third year really has taught me a lot more than i thought it would, and finally i feel ready to go and head into the FMP with confidence as a designer. Refering back to my statement of intent - i feel this module really has helped me to realise who i am as a designer and clarrified that my specialism is in branding and identity. I will also be going into the FMP with a clearer mindset on how to manage myself and my time more effectively.

I am already looking forward to my feedback - i feel im aware of what im doing right and wrong but i want the clarification and feedback from the tutors to guide me into the final project.

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