Wednesday 7 October 2009

Emotion in Type ...

So we start the afternoon in Mac-suite 201 greated by the most insane tutor I have met in my life - Graham!  But its not a bad thing ... its actually great, the way Graham connects with the class is amazing, I couldn't help but listen to his every word intensely while he jumped around the room like a swan on acid!  But anyway ... I learnt so much in that afternoon about type, my previous 'knowledge' was just flushed down the toilet.  The way we were taught about how too use the strokes on our words (ultralight, light, regular, italic, bold and bold italic) how colour was not necessary, how layout and point size was so important even in a type filled page.  Below are my interpretations of what we had too do, each one comes with an explanation - enjoy! 

Above: We started the class with Graham asking us too type our name, in any type, any scale and anywhere on the page so that it showed our personality.  I started with 'helvetica' in 144 point (on an A4 document) lowercase and positioned direct centre.  This shows my personality to being quite but at the same time confident.  I used a ultralight stroke to show more of the quite side of my personality.  The point size and area of layout shows the confidence I have in myself.

Above: You can just about make out the word 'dog' in lowercase, helvetica.  Graham asked us too add emotion too the word as if this dog was scared and lonely.  Where better too put this than the bottom corner of the page too start with.  Lowercase symbolizes - small, fragile, quite, scared and lonely.  Once again colour was not allowed too be used. 

Above: Once again the word 'dog' only this time it had too be an angry, confident and powerful dog.  So opposite too last time i used uppercase - this shows power and strenght.  I went for 'impact' type which speaks for itself, and positioned the type in the centre of the page too make a statement of power and confidence.  

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