Thursday 8 October 2009

Emotion in Type ...

Another lecture with the ridiculously hilarious Graham.  This week its all about weight, tone, and using more than just one word.  So we start the lecture with having too write 'FOUR THREE TWO ONE' but then we are told it has too read 'ONE TWO THREE FOUR.'
So this is my interpretation of what we had too do below -

The idea was to make the viewer read from right too left instead of left too right.  The way i did this was too increase the point of the first word I wish the viewer too read (ONE) once I had done this I also changed the weight too bold.  From this step on I went smaller and smaller with each letter so that the viewer would read it as the eye catches. 

Making seperate type boxes was the next step.  But we also had to play with the layout while making the viewer read the type as 'ONE TWO THREE FOUR' so I decided too use different fonts too make bolder and more noticable type.  I am pleased with how this came out, when enlarged in better detail it is easy for the viewer to understand my system and I feel it worked well. 

So were told to choose a phrase.  'Easy come, easy go' 
This time we had to do the same, make the viewer read the text as it should be for example, if i got it wrong the viewer would read 'go easy, come easy' .... anyway another rules was NO PUNCTUATION! 
So I started with the simple upper and lowercase.  Uppercase for the first part of my phrase, and lower for my second.  too make sure my vie
wer read the text as I wanted I turned the 'easy go' upside down and made it lowercase.  Another part of my process was too make my starting word very bold - black as the night. and each word (in order) after that would be a percentage tone of black.  

Once again were told to experiment with layout.  So I went straight for the eye catching easy, which immediately directs your eye too 'come' on the right hand side.  After letting your eye explore the page you see 'easy go' (lowercase once again) in the bottom right hand side of the page. 

This was the one I wanted too get rite.  I only wanted too use the word 'easy' once, even though it comes into my phrase twice.  So i went for the bold uppercase 'easy' using helvetica.  Because we were told that it is involuntary for the reader to go from right too left i thought that was best place too put 'come' in uppercase but using a 70% tone of black so the viewer does not read it first.  I hope the reader then reads 'easy' again before spotting 'go' on the bottom left of the 'E'.  I used lowercase helvetica in an ultralight weight.  I am pleased with how this came out ... but gutted if it does not work, however its all part of the learning process.  

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