2. Experimentation for this project was more obvious too previous project i had done. This project i experimented with toilet tissue, different stocks, and even the centre of toilet rolls too produce what i feel was a successful brand and package. I feel i have become a bit of a mac monkey although my development sheets with quick ideas and drawings show that my ideas are initially put down on paper - not straight onto the mac.
3. I feel the breathe of ideas i had was a successful amount, and that i chose too develop my final idea at the rite stage in the project. I do feel i used my time affectively however not too its full potential at all times. The development i did proved very useful as back up work too my presentation boards.
4. I choose too take the same approach i had too later last year, where i document design sheets and research sheets in a clear A3 design folder, but use my blog too document the majority of my findings. Once again i found my blog a lot more useful too document development, however the folder came in useful for group crits and too get advice in the studio from tutors.
5. I feel my work was a good success, however my final presentation boards do not show my development and concept too its full potential. I feel however this has been a great learning curve on how in future i will be handing work in for assessment and grading. My final design boards admittedly are not as aesthetically pleasing as they could be - and my 16 page booklet really does put them too shame for legibility. layout and design. With this taken into account i would be happy too walk away from this module with a 2:2 - i have seen my strong and weak areas through this unusual and new way of handing in work and feel i can do a much better job.