Wednesday 11 November 2009

What is 'Good' - Part 2

So now i have developed my packaging (which im very pleased with) It was time too begin the advertising campaign. I decided a flyer would be best for this, so after a lot of research and idea generation, it finally came too me on how my flyer could be one of the most original and only 'packaged' flyers out there.

So this is where my concept started taking place. After a load of fast designs I thought about the 'pull cord' used on parachutes ... and then proceeded to find if i could use this in my advertisement / promotional campaign.

So i decided too get back too the simple toilet roll centre (the brown card thing) and base my flyer design around that. This made it easier for me too bring in my idea of using a 'pull cord' in the design.

Above shows how the viewer must actually interact with the product / flyer too gain the information. The plan is the 'cord' must by pulled down (torn off) then the flyer will open up and reveal all the relevant information.
More development needed however it is starting too take form, keep up to date, im on this all night!

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