Wednesday 11 November 2009

What is 'Good' - Part 2

After designing away at uni, i was in a real creative zone ... so what better too do than go home and play with toilet roll - yeh nothing better! So below are some experiments a did with the toilet roll, seeing if it worked and / or looked good!

I wanted too test out how the 'pull cord' would actually look, and if the scale, layout was correct. From what i found at the start - its good!

Again, same type of experiment looking at how the product would look fully torn ... and i still like it, and going back too it - its an original idea for how too promote a brand through a 'standard' A6 leaflet.

After the 'pull cord' has been fully torn off, it will leave nothin but a piece of A6 paper/card. When i did this, i found the way the stock folded around would be lovely and relate well too the shapes of the parachutes.
Next too do - work on a leaflet and start applying it too this design ... dont forget the pull cord!

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