Monday 7 December 2009

Zoom (Development)

My chosen word. Out of - 'construct, zoom and transform' Below are going too be development sheets which have been produced for a workshop with Fred on tuesday. 3 sets of 12 storyboards and one 18 frame board.

3 Above images: The 12 frame storyboards originally produced in class which i re-made for our workshop on tuesday.

Above: All the frames from my 3 sets of 12 too make 36. Now to cut them down to 18.

Above: My 36 frames reduced down too just 18 - now too draw them up on the 16:9 scale required.

Above: The final series of 18. As explained before, we had too use our 3 sets of 12 frames together but reduce it just down to 18 frames. Will see tomorrow if i did it rite or not.

1 comment:

  1. great to see how you are understanding the idea of the story-boarding. especially when you are able to move, remove and replace frames.
