Sunday 31 January 2010

Revolver - Type pace, Development

Sorted my issues. Managed to make the type match the audio correctly. And what desperately needed doing - i have now prepared the image fully so all the type is legible.

Revolver - Image development

The first image as stated below had an area which was too bright - which made one of my words un-legible for the viewer. I took this layer straight into photoshop and adjusted it appropriatley - making the un-legible area legible.
Below is the adjusted image. When i went to edit the original (bottom image) i found that i had also produced the image at the wrong scale - nightmare! Anyway you can see the bright spot on the bottom image to the right hand side of the figure (Mr Green)

Revolver - Image development

Had a problem in this sequence with both imagery and sound. My first image i had not manipulated efficiently and let a bright spot on the illustration - therefor making one word in the ident un-legible.
Oh yeh, and as i said ... my sound decided not too import!

Revolver (Development)

So the ident has already begun production of last nights late image and type layer preparation. Below is my initial experiment to see if the pace of the video was at a rite pace, and the audio ran smooth. So far, so good.

Revolver - Imagery and Type

After completing my potential final idents for Snatch and Lock, stock. I though it was best to make a start in image preparation and layered files to import carrying the type. So below are the first images which are going to be seen in my 'Revolver' ident.

Above - 'Mr Green' a key character in Revolver will be used for image1. Once again like my other 2 idents, i wanted the colour pallet to be the same, and limited. Since this is a dark movie with twisted lines, i thought i should put a twist on this ident.

Above - My type which will apear during the idents first few opening frames. The type will be mainly red, or where possible black. The only words to appear in white, are 'me' and 'you'.
This is because playing with the type i can make one read larger (a bigger fish) or smaller (a tiny fish) This will all make sense once you hear the audio played with it.

Snatch - Final Ident + Storyboards

Finally made it after SO many technical problems. After finishing the production of my Lock, Stock ident. I knew how the system worked so to speak and how i wanted to produce my next ident. Since my set of 5 will be working as a series - the style is the same for all - which makes production a lot easier. What makes it so time consuming? Image and type preparation, downloading dialogue and soundtracks ... oh and watching the movies again for 'best bits'

Snatch - Ident development

This is the latest stage. I had added and edited all my audio and dialogue (as seen on the previous upload) and after editing and matching the type to the audio on my first two image i have imported my last image which has type layers. This is the end of my dialogue for the clip, and next step is to find an image to represent the film with the Film 4 logo coming in.

Snatch - Development

The sequence is coming along at a fair rate, and already i have had to design and prepare my 3rd image. I decided to use the same image of Brad Pitt (Mickey) only bring it closer to the viewer, and use mainly upper case type - due to the tone of voice in this section.
Best to explain this now - they yellow background? Look at the Snatch DVD covers and you will see it uses very limited colour. Yellow, black and white - so i felt it was fitting to have the yellow as a warm colour in the sequence.

Saturday 30 January 2010

Snatch - Development

Moving on from my mistake using the type in my initial attempt, i have imported my new layers and my second image. This means i have been able to play with the timings and affects. I like the pace of this piece so far - and that the music track i am using at the end of the ident compliments the video's humorous style.

Snatch - Let the mistake begin

A lesson has been learnt. Always check the layers i produce to the dialogue from the film. On your first glance you may not realise what i have done wrong. But in my type i used the word 'AS' instead of 'HOW' ... what an ass! This tiny mistake ment going back into illustrator and correcting my mistake, then importing my new layers and start fresh - great!

Snatch - Image preperation

Okay, so about to start my second ident. This time its for the Guy Ritchie film - Snatch. I watched the film through once again, taking notes down of good quotes and making note of times etc for dialogue downloads. I decided i would do this ident in a very humorous manner - so i decided to do my favorite scene at the pikey campsite.
Below are my edited images with the images once again with added type. I will begin on experimentation and producing this video later on tonight.

LockStock - Final Ident and Storyboards

This is it. The final ident for Lock, stock and two smoking barrels. I say that, what i mean is - this is the final ident until the up-coming group crits.
I am pleased with how this video has come along. The transitions between the images works well. The flickering image provides a complimentary transition to the second image where the final series of type comes in. I also decided to make the track longer at the end of the ident - this gives myself a more comfortable time to bring in the Film 4 logo.

LockStock - Brand/Logo (Development)

As a part of the brief. It was essential that our film season was for some sort of tv channel. I chose film 4 as they do film seasons all the time. Film 4 has an iconic logo which i will use at the end of each ident. I couldn't find the type face that is used in these idents - so i had to make it myself (second image)
The video at the bottom is an experiment to see how i could bring the logo into the ident. I like the pace i brought in the logo so far and will complete it tonight.

LockStock - Flikcer development

In this sequence experiment i was trying to bring in another image as a 'flicker' to communicate some type of aggression/anger. I will be using the flicker in my final video, however this experiment was using a different image as an experiment - good idea, bad image.
Below - the image of 'the baptist' with a grainy/noisy affect on it with a slight red for anger. This is the image i used in my experimentation but have decided to leave as it wasn't giving the rite affect.

LockStock Development

This is the Lock stock development. After a sit down tutorial with my course leader i found the rite direction i wanted to go in. Zooming into the image was not the rite way to communicate the film, and it took away some of the affect. So i played around more, and this is how its coming along at the minute.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Potential CV 2

More experimentation has been done at this stage. And i have managed to achieve a piece which im becoming very fond and proud of now. Its my style and looks a bit like the work i used to produce for myself, for fun. What better way to show myself and my potential?

Potential CV

Okay, so here is the first draft of my CV, cover and first fold.

So here it is, let me explain what your seeing.
The centre third - (the illustration of myself) is the front cover - it is there to symbolize that i have an appetite, a hunger for graphic design and typography.
The left hand third - Where i am advertising and potentially advertising Wetpaint and Red.Marc which are possible company/freelance names.
The right hand third - About me ... not sure if this is finished yet, not sure if i have made it too short, and seem too confident that i want an email.

I am so far pleased with the progress. This is a days development so i feel i could create a beautiful cv within a few days. This cv is going to look like a piece of art, a piece of graphic design which will represent my taste, my style. I love for my work to flow, to work as one, and this is what i will be attempting with my cv.

New Face

Im currently developing my PPD and decided to give myself a new look. Show my interests through a single image on my creative CV. Below is my image - not yet finished, i have plans to add type from the can falling into my mouth making a rainbow of colour. Its going to take a while, but its going to be enjoyable and work which i love doing, thats what a cv is ment to show after all! I will keep you up to date with how far i get!

After i cropped the image, i played with the levels to make more detail come to light. After which i exported it through to illustrator and made in into a vector image using grayscale.

Monday 25 January 2010

Better late than never ...

Below is the PDF of my 16 page booklet which i produced as a part of the last module submission. The reason for this being posted so late to my blog ... simple - i lost my hard-drive, which is not a nice thing. Thinking you have lost all your work, pictures, music is a hard things to bare, so you could imagine my joy when i found the bad boy!

Saturday 23 January 2010

LockStock - Finally ....

Got the camera to jump along with the type. After a long night, many cups of tea and two chicken sandwich's this is what i got ... still only the first few seconds, but even so, doing this now has saved me a massive panic at the end.

LockStock - Inside look!

Here is a quick screen shot - an inside look into this new software we have been learning. Anyway enjoy ...

Okay. So the green and red lines you can see are my layers and the timing of which they appear/disappear. In this screen shot what i am attempting to do is alternate the transitions of the camera angle and which word it follows. I am about to upload another short motion, which is what i have created after hours (no joke) of endless experimentation. Experimentation is essential at this stage learning new software, and im glad i stayed up for a night to achieve this finally.

Friday 22 January 2010

LockStock - More failure

More experimentation - More failure. Fact. Experimentation is somewhat annoying, but it is a process we all go through and somehow find what we want at the end - even if it does take a while. However each step i take with this video i do see myself getting closer each time. Hopefully my next blog will be the final 5 seconds ...

LockStock - EPIC FAIL

As stated in my title ... this is what i would class as an epic fail! Although it does include experimenting with the camera angles for my ident - it went tits up really. I couldnt control the pace of the camera and the type jumped around the page like a common fly.

LockStock - New imagery and sound

So here is the first attempt at using my freshly revised imagery. I wanted the ident to have more of a haggard and rough feel, a lot like the theme of Guy Ritchies films. I felt the illustrations i was previously using were good, but did not have the rite attitude and look to compliment the type. Have a look at this anyway, still need to work on the remaining half, but you get the idea.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

LockStock - Style, Image

Had a decision today - the illustrations i was using for my motion graphics did not compliment or really make any type of relation to my subject and style, so i had a re-think. Let me know your thoughts ..
Below: Using a filter on Adobe photoshop called 'Cutout' you can add layers of your chosen colours to your image. Here i have made 4 stacked layers and roughened up the edging to give a real old, hard look. After flattening the image and adding some basic type to it, i found that i really like the look of it, and that both the type and image complimented each other.

Below: Using a filter called 'Texturize' i was able to manipulate the images to give it a hagard aged look and feel. Although this does give a good affect, it uses more colour than the imagery above. This is due to producing this in several layers. I like it, but im not convinced ...

Storyboards - Finals (all)

Okay, didn't think i showed enough detail in my last images - so decided to get the camera out and take some better shots. Again ... these are what im going to be working from in after affects - the joys of being crap at drawing.

Storyboards - Finals

So these are the final sketches which i will be working from. No worked out the timing - however dialogue etc has been worked out (for now) and now its all about starting to test my designs by actually producing them in after affects.
From left below - Lock, stock and two smoking barrels. Snatch. Revolver. Rock 'n' Rolla. Ident5
I will include these storyboards once again on the final posts for each ident. Enjoy ..

Storyboards - Presentation and crit

So today we had a workshop on DVD Studio-Pro (as seen below on my last blog entry) The afternoon session however was targeted on our organisation and to allow other people in our set groups to present their work to one another explaining the general idea with simple and easy to follow storyboards. Below are my storyboards (very quick ones) and further below that is one of my feedback sheets .. still waiting for another ... Ross and Carl ... haha!
Anyway im pleased with the feedback i received both written and voiced over during my presentation. As i mentioned in my presentation, i have totally changed the style of my imagery to how it potentially looks below on my first row of storyboards.
I am going to do further research and experimentation until i find a style i feel suitable for my audience and tone voice.

DVD Studio-Pro

First insight onto yet another new piece of software - DVD studio-Pro ... what we will be producing our final DVD menu's on for our module submission. This is a very quick blog at the end of the workshop, but below are a gathering of print-screens i took to show whats happening. i will come back to this blog to annotate.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Storyboards ... And my notebook

While doing the storyboards, i was really struggling with doing the A6 designs for wednesday. When i remember drawings (thumbnail size) which i previously doodled in my notebook would still be there. I used these as my starting point to produce the 30 A6 design we had to have to show at crits on wednesday. Below i have photographed several of my pages to show you my quick thoughts and how i put them down.

Sunday 17 January 2010

LockStock - First Attempt - Intro

Ok, so heres the first my intro which is based around one of my films (Lock, stock and two smoking barrels) for the 'Guy Ritchie: Film Season'
Im pleased with how its coming along, the video at this initial stage is looking a lot like my storyboards which is a positive sign. (pics of storyboards loading tomorrow) I like my use of colour and the space i have to work in. I intend to make it more snappy however, possibly using a backing track? we shall see, enjoy ..

Friday 15 January 2010

Type: Graham

Okay. So a few months back we were given an option, type ... or image.
I took type. Due to the fact I want to follow this direction of design as a possible career in the future. I already knew the tutor who we would be getting - and having been in previous classes with Graham I knew it was the rite move.
Anyway, below is our first piece of 'homework' which is due in next week but I thought I would get it out the way with now. Graham said its a quick half an hour job, so don't spend hours on it, so half an hour later this is what I did. We had to explore a type face of our choice, and describe it on an A4 scale. Not only do we have to do the basics, but its like were always being tested - making this piece look good and read well was also another factor.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

DVD Menu Schematic

So we had another briefing on tuesday and we were told to start thinking about designing a Schematic diagram to show how our DVD's will work. This is my first attempt which im pleased with, although im sure I will learn more and it will be improved and developed further.

Tuesday 12 January 2010