Tuesday 12 January 2010

Guy Ritchie - Presentation


  1. Marc, your presentation covered all of the criteria to a good standard, you showed knowledge of your audience and have evidently researched and are informed on what you plan to make. The only problem was a minor technical issue with the colour slide being in CMYK and not RGB, but other than that, everything is good.

  2. Great presentation, full understanding of the subject matter and a great contextual understanding of the criteria, A decent amount of research has been done on the subject although now I think it is time to experiment with some Primary material of your own so you have something to work with and towards/ evaluate. In all I think you have a good concept of the design direction and I look forward to seeing your progress on this brief.

    Myself and Phoenix

  3. Problem Analysis:
    + Chosen a good genre with Guy Richie films.
    - Presentation doesn't have a concept statement.

    Contextual Understanding:
    + Clear understanding into Guy Richie Films.
    -No clear evidence of context and target audience.

    + Good background research into the films and imagery .
    - You need to look into what effects you target audience.

    Design Direction:
    + Well designed and clear presentation.
    - Needs to clarify what images and fonts will be used.
