Friday 15 January 2010

Type: Graham

Okay. So a few months back we were given an option, type ... or image.
I took type. Due to the fact I want to follow this direction of design as a possible career in the future. I already knew the tutor who we would be getting - and having been in previous classes with Graham I knew it was the rite move.
Anyway, below is our first piece of 'homework' which is due in next week but I thought I would get it out the way with now. Graham said its a quick half an hour job, so don't spend hours on it, so half an hour later this is what I did. We had to explore a type face of our choice, and describe it on an A4 scale. Not only do we have to do the basics, but its like were always being tested - making this piece look good and read well was also another factor.

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