Wednesday 20 January 2010

LockStock - Style, Image

Had a decision today - the illustrations i was using for my motion graphics did not compliment or really make any type of relation to my subject and style, so i had a re-think. Let me know your thoughts ..
Below: Using a filter on Adobe photoshop called 'Cutout' you can add layers of your chosen colours to your image. Here i have made 4 stacked layers and roughened up the edging to give a real old, hard look. After flattening the image and adding some basic type to it, i found that i really like the look of it, and that both the type and image complimented each other.

Below: Using a filter called 'Texturize' i was able to manipulate the images to give it a hagard aged look and feel. Although this does give a good affect, it uses more colour than the imagery above. This is due to producing this in several layers. I like it, but im not convinced ...

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