Tuesday 2 November 2010

I Am President (Logo Development) 3

Finally getting back to the IAP logo, which i plan on completing this week after sending the client some possible design directions. I will be sending a pdf with loads of different designs so the client can inform me in which direction they want the design to go and it will give me a better indication to my target deadline.
Originally when i tried this font - i liked it. However what was stopping me from using it was the gothic look it has. I decided to produce a new layer on illustrator and create the sae typeface, minus the haggard details.

So here it is. The design above is my finished re-design and below that is the original gothic font which did not relate to the genre of music the band catered for.
Next step:
  • Experiment with fonts
  • Colour pallet?
  • Legiability - is it an issue?

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