Thursday 25 November 2010

Ph@! (Promo - Ready for Print)

It's time to finally get some prints done. And below are whats getting done. Because i was struggling to decided which colour pallet worked best on screen. I decided i would print both designs. The posters will be A1 standard width but and extra 200mm in lenght.
The flyers are a standard A5 format. During the design process i found this worked well and helped with positioning the type, logo etc.
The flyers below show you the front and reverse side of the design. Originally i was going to display all the information on the front and leave the reverse side blank. However i refered back to my type class from last year and decided to work on the hierarchy and legiablity of my type.

Below: The second choice of colour pallet. The blue and white together are very striking - and in some ways, this is a more legiable design from the 3D colour pallet. The prints however will be the deciding factor.

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