Wednesday 3 November 2010

I Am President (Logo Development) 6

Okay back to the I Am President brief. I am still hammering away at the logo design and finally feel im going in a diretion both myself and my client feel comfortable in. Previous designs have been getting a bit too commercial for my client - and they felt it needed bringing back and starting from the begining.
I found myself a new font to work with - i love these big, bold, heavey typefaces and feel this is a brief in which i can actually use them.
I started very simply - just by writing out the band name and playing around with the layout and scale of some of the letterforms.

Below are some screen shots showing the direction i am taking the logo. I saw a design the other day (can't remeber for the life of me what it was) where the logo was split in half downwards. I have taken this concept and now im developing it to work for my logo.

The above resolutions are the 2 im pleased with from this process. I will be taking most of the logos produced so far and placing them into context on a drumkit. I am doing this because my client said it was fundamental the final design could be printed and placed comfortably in the front drum.

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