Thursday 4 February 2010

Ident 5 - Film4 Logo (Experiment)

Had a play around after drawing up those quick storyboards with introducing the film4 logo. See what you think - need to play with pace and opacity. Also - sorry for the weird frame size ... i messed up. More development too come tomorrow - im shattered now though!

1 comment:

  1. Hey man, these look really good. You can see from the style, colours, music etc that you have a real familiarity with the films. Good contextual understanding.
    Your blog looks good - plenty of development videos to show your thinking and critical analysis. This also goes for your Context blog - critically analysing existing work / techniques and considering appropriate style.
    One criticism, if any, is you could have looked into other gangster movies as research - this broader look may have thrown up some different ideas to apply to Mr. Ritchies films + idents.
    Another very small thing is that sometimes the words are hard to follow as they appear in the frame. A little tweeking could sort this though.
    Your storyboarding is excellent and very comprehensive. This level of planning really shows through in your technical competence. You obviously have a very good grasp of After Effects.
    Nice one man!
