Thursday 25 February 2010

Module 3 - Rationale and Brief

As a part of becoming a collaborative partner we had several issues to address before we started designing. Firstly we had to write out a rationale - which we answer issues such as:
  • What the problem is
  • What we intend to do
  • Target audience
  • Message
  • Print methods
This was an easy enough task. We addressed issues which came up reading the brief - such as the history and reputation Bacardi has with its customers.

Our second task - was to go back to the original brief given to us by Bacardi. We had to read through it, and clarify and edit any issues we had with it. Because the Bacardi brief was so open - Myself and my partner Andy decided to set our own restrictions in the brief so we could focus on a certain area instead of getting sidetracked.

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