Saturday 13 February 2010

Module 2 - Rationale

As a big fan of Guy Rtichies british films - i decided to do a Film Season: Guy Ritchie.
I narrowed down his 9 feature films he has made to just four which i felt have the same style, target audience and tone of voice.

Going into producing the idents - i had narrowed down certain details of what i was/wasn't going to use. Imagery was a big factor. I decided i to limit myself too 2 or 3 images per ident which would all be produced in the same style using filters and layers in photoshop. All images would be finished using a grayscale and a coloured background to suit the tone of voice of the film.

Colour was another important factor. In Guy Ritchie films - its very rare too see green and blue - rarelydo you see tree's or sunny skies. Therefor it would be innapropriate to colour my type green and my images blue. I decided to use my research to select and narrow down my colour pallet. I used dvd covers and poster imagery to select my colour for the type and background colours. For example: Snatch - yellow dvd cover with black bold type. Easy.

The tone of voice and my target audience are a perfect match! Because of the british, adult humour of these films - i targetted my idents to mainly male viewers between the ages of 18 - 35. In my idents i decided to use direct dialogue from each film (with any foul language edited out) which represents the humour for each film. I would also have a backign track or a finishing soundtrack which would be from the films album.

The idents will be hugely type based with imagery support - for those who can't read ... or can't be bothered.

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