Thursday 4 February 2010

Rock 'n' Rolla - Development (Dialogue)

Well, im not going to lie. Im not an expert on this film - hence why i have left it to last to produce and ident for ... because in all seriousness i have no clue what im going to do.
After watching the film a good 3 or 4 times during one day and making notes and time references i finally came up with one or two quotes from the movie that i could use.
Below is the imagery which i am going to be using in this sequence.

Colour - As you my have seen ... Rock 'n' Rolla has some amazing graphics already. It also uses destinct colours on its dvd cover and for it advertising posters. I will be using a lot like orangy/yellow which will also be similar to the colour i used for my Snatch ident.
Style - I decided i would keep my own style, as i have for my other 3 idents. The imagery will be produced in photoshop using layers and converted to a grey scale.

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