Tuesday 23 February 2010

Module 3 - 1st quick brief

So we arrived on a bright and early morning to arrive to our first briefing. We already had an idea of which briefs we were allowed to choose from a long list on the YCN website.
Over the reading week we started to choose our ideal partner to tackle this elaborative brief. We were too look at such design areas as: do they illustrate, good with type and layout etc.
So we came to the briefing and were requested to produce two A3 posters - one to advertise ourselves as a designer. The other to publishes your ideal partner and the area of skills you are looking for. So we were given 2 hour to produce them - bit of a relief compared to our previous 5 week brief.

So there they are. If i could change one thing - it would be the opacity of the 'IS THIS YOU' title. Pretty pleased with how they came out. Not bad for 2 hours work.

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