Sunday 14 February 2010

Module 2 - Evaluation

Throughout this module i feel my research has been appropriate to my idents. Starting by looking at a large selection of idents from BBC to Film4 has helped very much however looking in detail at the Film4 idents has helped me make decisions on style, audience, tone of voice etc.

Showing experimentation and development throughout this module has been a strong point for me. I have kept blogs up to date daily by showing examples of imagery, type and sequences i have produced and keeping constant evaluations of what i would change and keep. Because of this, i didn't feel it necessary to put them on my final dvd. If i were to go back and re-produce this project - i would take more time with my imagery style and layout. I feel as though my idents work both individually and as a sequence - but more detail could have been made if i took my time with the images.

This project has been hugely enjoyable and has taught me a lot both in design and time management skills. My time development was never bad - but through this project keeping focused and having a daily 'to do list' has kept me on the straight and narrow. Learning new software has been a large part of this module - and i feel my understanding of the software shows through my idents.

Coming to the final piece - producing packaging has always been an issue i dread. However through taking my time and having a new 'calm' approach has helped and i actually really enjoyed producing the imagery, type and making the packaging itself.

Did my final product meet the brief - i feel as though it did. In fact i feel this may have been my strongest module since the start of my degree. Learning new software, keeping up to date with my blog and oganisation of files and storyboards etc i feel has been a fundamental part of this module - if i wasn't organised going in and during this brief - i wouldn't have stood a chance.

Things i would do differently:

1. Back-up all my work, all the time. (on a few occasions a lost some sequences and images)
2. Possibly use different media - draw, paint etc.
3. Take my time with imagery ... type is a strong point of mine, i need to focus and pay attention to detail on other areas.
4. Timetable my weeks - no more daily to do lists.
5. Definitely do more hands on work - packaging etc.

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