Wednesday 10 February 2010

Packaging - Final

Okay. So after getting my packaging printed twice (just incase) it came to the hand crafting part. So i washed my hands, dried them cleaner than a nuns nickers, and began.
It was important for me to get this rite - i wanted to show myself i could actually produce a piece of packaging which looked good and could actually be used.
After messing up on my first attempt by cutting out the wrong areas - i had one last chance. I took a different approach, i took my time and took moments to look at what and where i was. Finally - it was done, and it looks stunning. Without blowing my own bubble it really did come out better than i had wished! Now all i had too do was get my DVD printed on to match the packaging.

Arriving into what is known as 'the bubble' in uni - i was faced with the technicians telling me that the dvd image printer wasn't printing properly - and the best i could do was print black and white. So me being me, i took a chance, printed a mockup disc to see how good/bad it would come out. Once printed it looked okay - granted it had some scratchy lines where the colour fades, however due to my imagery it added to the haggard affect i wanted ... brilliant!

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