Tuesday 2 February 2010

Revolver - New begining

After making the brave decision to scrap my other video (even after a sleepless night producing it) i didn't feel it represented the film well enough. The film is dark and very powerful - its like art meets paranoia and intellect! So i felt a different quote and use of dialogue in my ident would compliment and represent this film, in its individual form perfectly. Im not fussed about the quote not matching other i have used in different idents because the style of motion, imagery and typography is what keeps a connection to the Guy Ritchie film season.

Anyway below is the new start. As you can already see, new imagery. In this piece i tried to give the affect on two halves of a person - lighter and darker. I kept the background an image instead of a flat colour because of the story it could potentially give the viewer. The dialogue/audio has new been completed and cropped, all that is important at this stage is the opening 4 seconds. Enjoy

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