Monday 17 May 2010

Range - Plectrums (re-visited) 1

Looking at the designs for my plectrums - i decided that i really didn't like the gradient affect which i put on to make the logo more eye-catching. It looks cheap and very simple - i new this was an issue. I also decided that i want the plectrums to run alongside the limited edition vinyl sleeve which i will be producing in terms of design colour etc. Some sort of imagery was needed for the plectrums but to keep the logo in the same position. I went to my vinyl sleeve images that i took (using the paints) and placed them in my plectrum stencil.
Below you can see the 'stencil' i made in illustrator to capture the shape of the plectrum placed over my chosen imagery.

Below: Several examples of plectrums which i will be producing to run alongside the limited edition vinyl sleeve which will be using the same imagery. I will be producing a set of 5 which will come in a wooden case which will also have the new Domino Records logo laser-cut onto the lid.

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