Tuesday 11 May 2010

Typefaces: Narrowed selection

Its time to look into typefaces which i may eventually use in my new logo design. Looking through my research i have already made the decision that i will NOT be using a Serif font. As mentioned above - while doing my research i found literally 1 or 2 designs which used a serif font - the rest used some sort of sans-serif. Sans-serif is a much friendlier font and much easier to read both up-close and from a distance.

I narrowed my selection down to 6 sans-serif fonts which i will be developing. These typefaces are: Semetary, Gill Sans, Cooper Black, Helvetica Neue, Dryflash and Popular STD Black.

Below: Sans-Serif Fonts.

Below: Decorative Fonts.

I also looked into decorative fonts - however as you can see all of these have been based on sans-serif typefaces. My final selection (above) are: Brain Damage, Papercuts, Got Heroin, Raw Street Wall, Blox 1 and Divlit.

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