Monday 18 October 2010

I Am President (Finals)

These are the final series of images i sent to my client. I sent them all the shots taken on the day (146) then sent my colourenhanced finals as my recomendation.
The feedback so far is all possitive. They have forwarded this series to their web-page builder - who I have contacted today and am now awaiting a reply from.
So below are my final series of 13 images, which i sent my client. Im very pleased them all - i feel the colours really are vibrant and eye-catching. I feel these shots really do capture the personality and image 'I Am President' represent.

As i said earlier im really pleased with the final series. I worked with the compositions and layouts of the images - before importing them into photoshop to minipulate the colours in the photographs.
The client liked the final result as do I. Next job on the list is to re-design the existing logo to a more upto date version.

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