Wednesday 20 October 2010

I Am President (Logo Development)

It was time to start the logo design for I Am President. I posted the existing logo a few days ago and have since reviewed it to find themes i could work with - colour pallet, font, scale etc.
I decided to start fresh at the start and have some experimentation with type and colour. I used one serif typeface at the start and played around with the lining and composition of the text.
For now i'm not to fussed about the colour pallet - i just want to get a feel for the different layouts i can produce with the type.

Belows example is using a rather gothic font. I like it aesthetically however im not sure the type reflects on the personality of the band.
The design at the bottom of this page has a very similar layout to the current logo - which is keeping to the clients wishes. One of the members of the band designed the original logo, and seemed a bit off about changing it. However i did make my feelings known saying that it was aged and very basic.
Although im a fan of minimal design - I feel that the design needs to be intelligant while being 'basic'. Colour pallet, typeface and layout are all essential componants to a good design.

Aboves designs are the starting point of my design process. I essentially wanted to play with the layout of the type. See if i could create a logo which could be used across a range of different medias with comfort.
However at the minute im thinking of producing a full piece design which will use the bands full title and further - produce a shortened logo which will use the bands initials. I.A.P

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